Soccer United Marketing (SUM), Bud Light and TEAM Coalition encouraged supporters to be responsible while attending the 2017 Mexican National Team Tour and Fútbol Fiesta on Saturday, May 27th at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
Before the match, 164 supporters pledged to be responsible in the Fútbol Fiesta. Everyone who made the Bud Light Good Sport pledge had the opportunity to autograph a larger-than-life soccer ball, pose for a free souvenir photo and enter to win a Mexico National Team prize pack.
The Los Angeles match was the first of the Mexico National Team Tour where TEAM promoted alcohol responsibility. Click on the links below to see the summaries from later matches.
The lucky winner of the prize pack took home an autographed Mexico National Team jersey, two tickets to a CONCACAF Gold Cup match this summer, and additional items from Bud Light and TEAM Coalition, proving that Responsibility Has Its Rewards!

• 10,265 people were killed as a result of alcohol-related (BAC > 0.08) car crashes, an increase of 3.2% from the 9,943 fatalities in 2014.
• Many, if not most of those lives would have been saved if people did not drive when they were impaired by alcohol or if they used sober, designated drivers or if they simply wore their seat belts.
• Statistics and research clearly show that 21-34 year old males are the demographic most likely to be involved in an automobile crash, drive when impaired by alcohol, and fail to buckle up.