October 2021 NEWSLETTER

Table of Contents

Board of Directors News

October 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Fiscal Year End Financial Report
    • $375,000 in the bank
    • $105,000 in accounts receivable payments received in September
    • $200,000 net income
  • Fiscal Year End Training Results
    • 75 customers have purchased online training for 25,468 employees
    • 14,587 manuals have been purchased
    • 157 trainers certified or recertified
  • TEAM Coalition is in the process of hiring an Event Coordinator
  • Search has begun for a new Director-at-Large to fill Rishi Nigam’s position when his term ends in December 2021. Nominations are being collected to fill the position. Anyone interested in nominating a candidate should email Jill Kiefer (jill@teamcoalition.org). Membership will vote at December Stakeholder’s meeting.

Best Practices on Display

Decide to Ride

On September 14, 2021, Anheuser-Busch, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), and Uber announced the launch of a coalition aimed at bringing an end to drunk driving. The coalition kicks off with its inaugural campaign – Decide to Ride, a new initiative focused on changing consumer behavior to prevent drunk driving.

Decide To Ride reaches consumers throughout their night with the message “if you drink, don’t drive.” The campaign will also be featured at regular season NFL games both in-stadium and in broadcast. MORE.

GHSA Annual Conference

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) is a nonprofit representing state and territorial highway safety offices that implement federal grant programs to address behavioral highway safety issues. September 11-15, 2021, GHSA brought together industry leaders to address the challenges created from the pandemic which changed the way people work, interact and travel.

This year’s theme was “Moving Mountains: Forging a New Traffic Safety Landscape.” General sessions considered the rise in speeding during the pandemic, the need to improve equity in traffic enforcement and how states, law enforcement and first responders can prepare for automated vehicles. Breakout workshops examined timely traffic safety issues such as impaired driving, speeding, pedestrian safety, equitable enforcement, and federal highway safety efforts. MORE.

Committee Reports

Are you ready to become a certified TEAM Trainer? Are you due to get recertified? TEAM has virtual Instructor Development Program (IDP) workshops on the calendar.

Training Committee:

  • End of Fiscal Year analysis of training activities
  • Update and enhance TEAM Training Content based on feedback and implementation of online training
  • Christy Verbosky will be the staff liaison for the Training Committee

Member representatives, Strategic Partners and Master Trainers interested in serving on the Training Committee should email info@teamcoalition.org.

Marketing & Communications Committee:

  • Finalize FY 2022 newsletter, webinar and event schedule
  • Determine how best to utilize Subject Matter Experts in FY 2022
  • Sponsorship support services implementation
  • Prepare special project options to present at the December Stakeholders Meeting for membership to vote

Member representatives, Strategic Partners and Master Trainers interested in serving on the Marketing and Communications Committee should email info@teamcoalition.org.

Governance & Finance Committee :

  • Congratulations Christy Verbosky for 20 years of service to TEAM Coalition!
  • Review potential candidates for a new Director-at-Large to fill the position that Rishi Nigam has filled for two terms.
  • Application for PPP 2nd loan forgiveness was submitted on 9/2/21, lender has not yet responded
  • Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) is the only outstanding debt on TEAM’s books
    • $145,000 owed
    • $25,000 to be repaid in FY 2022

Member representatives, Strategic Partners and Master Trainers interested in serving on the Governance and Finance Committee should email info@teamcoalition.org.

Membership Committee:

  • Finalize FY 2021 Annual Report
  • Finalize agenda for the December Stakeholders Meeting
  • Identify new Strategic Partner(s) from list of candidates
  • Implement new tiered membership levels for FY 2022 by engaging with each member organization individually

Member representatives, Strategic Partners and Master Trainers interested in serving on the Membership Committee should email info@teamcoalition.org.

Master Trainer Spotlight

TEAM provides a cross-functional platform for training and managing responsible alcohol service at live events.  This collaborative approach creates a more integrated process for a safer, superior, and streamlined fan experience.

— Rishi Nigam 

CEO and Co-Founder
Franklin Junction


CEO and Co-Founder
Franklin Junction

Rishi Nigam is the CEO and Co-Founder of Franklin Junction, an elite consulting firm with clients in sports, hospitality, retail, technology, manufacturing and supply chain management. Previously he was the Chief Operating Officer for Crews Enterprises, which provides concessions to several international airports. Prior to that, Rishi was the Vice President for Americrown, formerly a division of the International Speedway Corporation. Rishi become a TEAM trainer in 2011 and a Master Trainer in 2016. He has certified more than 200 people.


Opinion Poll

Partner News/Key Dates

What topic would you find most beneficial from TEAM Coalition's Subject Matter Experts?

TEAM presented at NCSLA
Reno, NV on 8/27/2021

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