TEAM (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management) Coalition traveled to Frisco, TX for the 2014 NCAA Division I Football Championship on January 4, 2014 to reward fans who made the Responsibility Has Its Rewards pledge to:
- Always Buckle Up – Every Trip, Every Time
- Never Drive Drunk
- Always Have a Designated Driver
Fans from all over the country gathered at Toyota Stadium in Frisco, TX to watch the Towson University Tigers take on the North Dakota State University Bison. And NDSU made it a three-peat by winning the NCAA Division I Football Championship game for the third year in a row. 348 fans from both schools took time to make the responsibility plege while enjoying the pre-game festivities at Tailgate Town before the big game.

View PHOTOS from the 2014 NCAA Division I Football Championship
NATIONAL CAMPAIGN: Responsibility Has Its Rewards™
FAMILY MESSAGE: Buckle Up – Every Trip, Every Time™
ADULT MESSAGE (OVER 21 YEARS OLD): Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk
- National Collegiate Athletic Association
- TEAM Coalition
WHO: Fans and the Community
WHAT: NCAA and TEAM Coalition invited fans to make the Responsibility Has Its Rewards pledge to always have a designated driver, never drive drunk, and always buckle up. 348 fans received a souvenir photo with the responsibility message and event logo on the border after autographing the graffiti board which will be sent to North Dakota State University’s athletic department.
WHERE: NCAA Division I Championship at Toyota Stadium in Frisco, TX.
WHEN: Saturday, January 4, 2014

National Collegiate Athletic Association:
TEAM Coalition: an alliance of professional and collegiate sports, entertainment facilities, concessionaires, stadium service partners, the beer industry, distillers, broadcasters, governmental traffic safety experts, and others working together to promote responsible drinking and positive fan behavior at sports and entertainment facilities. or
- In 2012, 10,322 people were killed as a result of alcohol-related (BAC > 0.08) car crashes, an increase of 4.6% from the 9,685 fatalities in 2011.
- Many, if not most of those lives would have been saved if people did not drive when they were impaired by alcohol or if they used sober, designated drivers or if they simply wore their seat belts.
- Statistics and research clearly show that 21-34 year old males are the demographic most likely to be involved in an automobile crash, drive when impaired by alcohol, and fail to buckle up.