CHICAGO, IL (September 29, 2010) — “Great Beer, Great Responsibility – Bears Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” are the responsibility messages printed on a giant 10-foot tall football on display at the north entrance to Soldier Field before every Bears game this season. Bears fans have a unique opportunity to be part of Chicago Bears history by autographing the ball as a demonstration of their commitment to responsibility. A unique opportunity for the participating fans at the September 27th game was a souvenir photo with the campaign message and partner logos on the border of the photo.As the unbeaten Bears continued their winning streak by defeating the Green Bay Packers in the last few seconds of an exciting Monday Night Football game on September 27, 2010, the Bears, MillerCoors and TEAM Coalition asked NFL and corporate partners and government leaders to join them at Soldier Field, autograph the ball and make the commitment to never drive drunk, always have a designated driver, buckle up and demonstrate positive fan behavior. The event on September 27th and the season-long promotion are part of the “Responsibility Has Its Rewards” campaign. The goal for the 2010 season is to cover every inch of the ball with the signatures of responsible Bears fans.
“Responsibility Has Its Rewards” is a league-wide campaign rewarding NFL fans for pledging to be a designated driver and ensuring a safe ride home from the game for their friends and family. Last season, 152,000 NFL fans – 7,470 from Soldier Field – participated in the designated-driver program. The designated-driver program is available at eight locations inside Soldier Field and one location outside the stadium at all home Bears games.

Program partners at the 9/27/2010 event included:
- Jackie Woodward, MillerCoors Vice President Marketing Services
- Ted Phillips, Chicago Bears President and CEO
- Jill Pepper, TEAM Coalition Executive Director
- Tom Olson, DNC Sportservice District Manager
- Red Ashby, Chicago Beverage System, Vice President of Sales
Program supporters in attendance were:
- Tim LeFevour, SMG General Manager Soldier Field
- Milt Ahlerich, NFL Vice President of Security
- Debbie Weir, MADD Chief Operating Officer
- Jonathon Monken, Illinois State Police Acting Director
- Master Sergeant Isaiah Vega, Illinois State Police
- Sergeant Scott Slavin, Chicago Police Department
Diane Wagner, Alcohol Responsibility Manager for MillerCoors, registers Bears fans for the designated driver program at Soldier Field before the September 27th Monday Night Football Game. Over 800 Bears fans pledged to be designated drivers at the game. |
Bears fans who pledged to be designated drivers at the game had the opportunity to autograph a larger-than-life football. Fans also received souvenir photos printed instantly just seconds after they autographed the ball. |
Bears fans discover a special responsibility opportunity as they approach Soldier Field for the Monday Night Football game against the Green Bay Packers on September 27, 2010. |
Program partners join Bears and Packers fans at the north entrance to Soldier Field to make their pledge to never drive drunk and autograph a larger-than-life football. |
Bears President and CEO, Ted Phillips, and MillerCoors Vice President of Marketing Services, Jackie Woodward, look on as Red Ashby, Vice President of Sales for Chicago Beverage Systems autographs the giant football. |
Milt Ahlerich, NFL Vice President of Security; Debbie Weir, MADD Chief Operating Officer; and Tom Olson, Delaware North Companies Sportservice District Manager add their autographs to the football. |
Jackie Woodward exchanges congratulatory remarks with Illinois State Police Acting Director Jonathon Monken as Ted Phillips approaches to add his words of appreciation. |
SMG General Manager, Tim LeFevour and Illinois State Police Master Sergeant Isiah Vega seal their commitment to always having a designated driver by signing the football. |
(l to r) SMG General Manager for Solider Field Tim LeFevour, Chicago Police Department Sergeant Scott Slavin, MADD Chief Operating Officer Debbie Weir, Illinois State Police Acting Director Jonathon Monken, TEAM Coalition Executive Director Jill Pepper, NFL Vice President of Security Milt Ahlerich, Chicago Bears CEO and President Ted Phillips, Chicago Beverage Systems Vice President of Sales Red Ashby, MillerCoors Vice President of Marketing Services Jackie Woodward, Delaware North Companies Sportservice District Manager Tom Olson and Illinois State Police Master Sergeant Isaiah Vega |
Milt Ahlerich, NFL Vice President of Security, greets Chicago Bears CEO and President, Ted Phillips, and makes the introduction for Jackie Woodward, MillerCoors Vice President of Marketing Services |
Jackie Woodward, Marketing Vice President for MillerCoors, and Milt Ahlerich, Security Vice President for the NFL, share their enthusiasm for this unique opportunity to bring together so many varied organizations for a shared mission with Jonathon Monken, Acting Director of the Illinois State Police |