Fan Engagement Offerings
Collaborations between a single sponsor and a league, a group of sponsored teams or a single team for one event or multiple events. While TEAM is proud of our menu of fan engagement offerings, we are always looking for better ways to engage the target demographic – men between the ages of 21 and 35. The menu of fan engagement offerings will continue to expand as we learn of new best practices.
Return on Investment
A successful web-based program engages Facebook and Instagram users in the 24 hours leading up to an event. A $500 investment per ad (targeting users within 50 miles of the event location, between 21 and 35 years of age who are self-reported to “like” the sport or event) should generate an average of 40,000 impressions, 20,000 users reached and 250 click-throughs. A successful program sees 10% of those who click on the link complete the registration form.
A successful in-person activation runs between 2 and 4 hours on a single day. It generates 100 souvenir photos, engages 250 people and those who receive a digital photo share that photo on average 5 times for total impressions of 500.