Responsibility Has Its Rewards PSAs
TEAM Coalition and Anheuser-Busch support the Responsibility Has Its Rewards (RHIR) sweepstakes with all major league members of TEAM Coalition, including Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Football League. Each fan who registers to be a responsible fan pledges to drink alcohol responsibly, find a safe ride home and always buckle up. That registration is also an entry into the RHIR sweepstakes.
The Washington Nationals and Budweiser created a video spot highlighting the Responsibility Has Its Rewards sweepstakes in 2018.
At the end of each major league season, one Responsible Fan for the Season from each team is selected. The Responsible Fans for the Season from the teams that compete in World Series, NBA Finals or Super Bowl will each receive the Grand Prize of the respective Sweepstakes. With MLB, the Grand Prize of the Sweepstakes is two (2) tickets to the first World Series game played in the home ballpark of their favorite MLB Club. For the NBA, the Grand Prize is two (2) tickets to the first Finals game played in the home arena of their favorite team. And with the NFL, the Grand Prize is a trip for two (2) to the Super Bowl, including airfare, hotel accommodations and a pair of tickets to the game.
Entrants for the Responsibility Has Its Rewards sweepstakes are all MLB, NBA and NFL fans who pledged to be responsible fans at an MLB ballpark, and NBA arena or an NFL stadium during the regular season. Entry is also available online or by mail.
To promote this incentive, TEAM, Anheuser-Busch and individual teams have produced TV and radio PSAs. The TV PSAs aired on local broadcast stations in major league markets, and they are also played on the video boards in the sports facilities. The radio PSAs aired on local radio stations and national radio networks.